The Humble Woman
Have you ever had a debate about men and women being equal? Do some women resent men? Do some men think they are superior to women? Have you thought about the history and what women have been through before 1919 and into the present day. Yes, they have come a long way since they women were given the right to vote in America but still have a lot of hurdles to contend with still. Why do men not admit the facts of how it was and is and give a little empathy about the hardships that women have gone through for so long. Men seem to be more competitive and territorial where women are driven and work horses to accomplish what they set out to do. Of course, women are becoming more competitive as time goes on considering they weren’t allowed to compete for so long. When looking at true male/female gender comparisons, equality should not be defined from comparing apples to apples. They should be compared as oranges to apples as there are definitive differences in the sexes. I am not going to bore you with the physical aspects comparing, as it should be common sense. Women should and seem to be allowed to compete on any male’s physical sport activity tryout if they choose. But the opposite is downright wrong and is de-valuing a women’s god given right to compete on their own independent physical sports stage.
If we look at what a women have done and tolerated it is an unbelievable success story. Look at the cave people years. Answer this…How would you as man, like to be clubbed over your head and dragged by the hair into a cave which you accept total submissive physical degradation? IF you did not submit you would be verbally assassinated, humiliated, beaten, raped, or tortured. Maybe all of above. All of human existence women have been tolerating this abuse in some shape or form. It evidently has been tamed by a great deal of how it was for most of time. For example, not that long ago, in the early 1900’s and decades beyond women had little choice of making a humane suitable lifestyle. Unless a girl was born into a wealthy, influential and/or found some kind of sanctuary by another means, whether from religion or special skill for instance. So why after all these years society and men continue to take a superior attitude over women as to continue to have unacceptable treatment mentioned previously. What’s mind boggling is that a few years back we thought we were progressing into a good direction with women’s rights with some stability and gratitude. Now, after so many years of scratching and clawing up the ladder to see over the other side of the fence; Women are sucker punched by the political and educational fist of government to appease the minority optics agenda in this transgender movement. Hopefully, this is just a trend. I thought about re-phrasing that last sentence; It could be quite simple assume, I was discriminating and attacking trans-genders. Not the case I am not talking about the trend of accepting the sexual or physical transition of men and women. This is a personal choice. A biological man should not be able to compete on any youth, collegiate, or professional sport platform unless the majority of the women in that league or community would cast a populous vote. On the other note, I do not judge or belittle anyone for whatever personal or sexual choices they make in life. People should have freedom to express that right if they so choose, as long as it’s not impeding on anyone else’s freedom of their personal choices. This does not seem to be the case nowadays in many formats. You see the trans movement on educational institutions imposing in schools without parents’ consent. This is occurring with minor children as young as 4 years old. But back to the nitty gritty of the intrusion of men into women’s sports venues. I am not a women but have empathy and anger for what is occurring and have your back. Anything I can do to support the elimination of this invasive woke tactic, I am all ears. You would think the feminist group would be up in arms. But NOPE go back to the Political-societal Optic variable where so few of the majority will stand up to the opposing minority (Actually a pittance of the race) of loud mouth, lying, greedy activists and agitators utilizing the media to brainwash the young and vulnerable into followers of this spineless sheep herd. A problem is that its growing with time and technology. So Ladies, all the Ladies, Wow! I didn’t, but will have to keep it in here for now. Humor is curing, but douch-ness is cringing. But sincerely Ladies, this scenario could be a long fight if it’s not squashed and will grow with girth to at least an average size if not dealt with in a timely manner. I am having fun with words and hope for a smile, not anger. This women rights equation is a part of the THP objectives. THP’s goal is to progress women forward into a more equally competitive (Not physical) safer, and more secure world week after week. IF you have not noticed, using word play is my attempt to finger poke you women deep in the side, to start having larger discussions and opposition tactics to enable the invasive tactics being displayed in sports.
Women cannot count on the feminists to protect females. The feminists are optically diseased and clearly biased toward one side of a political position which is ironic as biological men transitioned or not are allowed to compete in women’s sports. A clear infringement on women and their rights on all formats. You would think a feminist would be consistent on female’s rights to strive for women’s dignity regardless of color, political belief, or religion but its not the fact, Jack. Look at the hypocritical defamation and attacks on blacks and women on the other side of the political side, just as an example. When you define yourself as a feminist you fight for the female and their rights. When you categorize yourself as a feminist you do not pick and choose who gets support by north or south, east or west, red or blue. A woman is a woman and deserves the same consistent support by their groups regardless of looks, location, position, religion, or politics. As a matter of fact, If I was a female and President of the group and witnessed this cancellation of support on either end, the person would be repudiated/rejected from the feminist group.
Now moving along to another ‘Humble Women’ hot topic that always gets screen time. How cliché is the word ‘Gold Digger.’ OF course that’s a thing in an attempt to gets some steps nailed up on the tree trunk, closer to the top of the treehouse which grows leaves that are hundred dollar bills. Of course, we all have different mishaps and selfish or stupid moments or scenarios where our morality is questionable. BUT That is not what THP or the ‘Humble women is about’. It’s about YOU taking the highest majority of collective facts and thoughts, from history & research, together with your male supporters with the intension to keep the positives elevated over the negatives; closer to the next level of peace, beauty, nurturing love & security which a woman’s soul craves for, one way or another. In my living days, I will translate a women’s opinion on what they could be looking for. To women, love, security, and nurturing is the most important ambience within a woman’s soul. It is a feeling to have a distinct constant sensation in a certain secure way, that you know in your heart and soul; no matter what hardship, hurdle, or obstacle you will be OK with affirmation. A women would rather live in a cardboard box then live in a mansion with artificial walls and feelings. If this part of women didn’t exist, then why would women stray in such lucrative situations? Yea, that is a loaded question but partially true. They might have the security but the love compassion, empathy and is not there or vice versa.
How does a women deal with a situation where they are alone raising their children. There are subsidies and whatnot for assistance monetarily. But more times than none the man is no where to be found for even monetary let along physical human support. I don’t think this acceptable and some harsher penalty should be put in place. I see men doing at times, but single moms without a father figure is much more prevalent. When you are handed a situation you either take responsibility or fail our future which are our children. This should be vital philosophy with the human race. Is it female attributes or attitude that makes them super women to take care of their true responsibilities of child and life? What drives them?
Movie Clips: Joy, Mannequin,