Part: Mistakes and Failing forward

Part: Character over Color

Part: Youth Electronics and Dehumanization affect

Part: The Lost Words: Trust & Respect

Part: Your Disadvantages become your Advantages in life; vice versa

Part: The Humble Woman

Part: Encouragement

Part: Consistency & Repetitiveness


A Philosophical Satellite of Our Souls Potential

Keep in mind, some parts of this book may or may not have to do with you, your culture, or upbringing but is focused for all races, genders, and religions for which all humans are accepted within it order to understand one another. This is a collection of thoughts and topics in the attempt to bring people into the light and out of the clouds that every person finds themselves in from time to time with traces of hope that there is still trust, true love, and selflessness instead of deceipt, paranoia, and distrust that everyone is out to get one another. As you may be aware or not, depending on your environment or choice thereof, it seems that society has become self-serving. IF you watch the news, it should be quite evident this is the case. Do you agree that people don’t help people very often? It’s as if chivalry or even just good deeds or manners have disappeared; a person can’t even take their phone from their hand to help an elderly person with a door let alone stop a mugger or an assault on a helpless woman on a subway. Why has this cause of societal deterioration happen under our noses day after day?

Society has evolved into this technological quick sand that every person needs to be instantly gratified where relationships have been hijacked by their smart devices, apps, and social media. Of course, I am guilty to some extent throughout this book as to follow societies downward spiral; as it seems to be easier for us all to take the path of least resistance, as opposed to fighting the system and being punished for caring to try to make a difference for the good of our children and human race. Now this is the purpose for developing ‘THP’ (Theory of Human Possiblity); WE ARE NOT meant to accept the optic dominant, selfish, bullying life reality society is forcing us to accept; while we are busy working, running business’s, paying taxes, footing the bill for the actual groups and individuals responsible stealing our God given right to freedom, dignity, integrity and speech. By no means, are these writings a goal of mine to get recognition publicly or monetarily. Quite frankly, it gives me anxiety putting the idea out there with my name under it. IF no one even reads on, that’s OK, the folks I really want to see are my children, immediate family and true friends.

Look around on how people judge others without even a second thought to give the person the benefit of the doubt or question what could be actual. This judgement breeds frustration, helplessness, and can result in isolation and possibly depression depending how long these judgmental situations breed. We all find ourselves in the situation more often than we would ever think, in which facts & reality would prove we are the absolute opposite; This behavior occurs as a few select bad eggs in the community/society promulgate a false picture of what actually is. IF this happens to you or someone you know, just realize you are not alone and are absolutely not that person made out to be from the false optics which community, media, social platforms or rumors made as fallacy! This is the case in local commuitites on micro levels as well as macro levels where politicians divide, the main stream media blatantly lies, as the lies become truth from the mis-informed’s perspective. God is condemned, creativity is discouraged, and if you don’t agree with the social norm or ‘cool’ group you are ostraciszed/isolated. It leaves us in a place of confusion, despair and a feeling of loneliness, even in our own houslholds at times. Fathers can’t be fathers. Mothers can’t be mothers and children can’t be children.

By no means am I suggesting to destroy the culture of technology, fun and joy it can bring, I am suggesting to manage it. We are in an electronic world that not even the programmers understand what the dangers their algorithsms are causing. Or do they and is it just a plan? So where do we go from here? Are our souls being hijacked by the digital optic in front of each and every one of us?

The purpose of this book is to share these topics as a tool to debate in a healthy and non-violent manner to expand on in different methods to accomplish the greater inner possibility that each person holds but is unable to unleash due to all the social restraints and discouragments from society, media and the select bad few; brainwashed by the addiction this social media electronic era infiltrates; We are in a world of pessimism and if a person or organization is successful, they are vilified for doing well instead of praised for making a difference. My gosh look at when some of these successful business folks run against a lifetime politician that never even had real job. We are all being tricked by the media and politicians.

If we choose to take this journey together consider a new way of thinking, an interactive way of reading and translating information. Let’s the take the time to stop and think about some of the vearbage and topics. This book is a little different than the norm as we want to have pauses with pertinent videos and/or songs to listen to while reading during related topics. We will introduce a handful of characters who get involved within this interactive dialogue considering others have life scenarios and opinions different from others which can supplement what THP is trying to accomplish. Referenced is a movie clip from ‘Gifted Hands’ where Ben Carson, a pronounced Brian Surgeon, during his John Hopkins interview where he explains the human brain is a miracle.

We are in the age of technology from which we know so much, have so many options, with a plethora of assistance that deters us from thinking independently and creatively. With all this smart technology we still cannot bring ourselves together as a whole entity or even a microscopic fraction of an entity to build a harmonious human race to the potential we all thrive for and dream to become. In fact the trend of crime, education, dignity and morals of humankind continues to deteriorate and is covered as a fog becoming so dense the false reality becomes a norm which is the opposite of the objective our true decent souls truly strive and hope for deep within.

I began writing the idea of THP after the awful Columbine school shooting on April 21st 1999. But when the actual words ‘Theory of Human Possibility’ came to life in my mind; I was at the end of a sleepless work week in Moscow, Russia during the summer of 2001; probably due to jet lag. Whether it was being delirious from sleeplessness or seeing far a different culture operate in a different country, or both. I just felt there was something missing and disconnected with humanity. Then life really began to keep me up nights when I was in Groton, CT on a service call at General Dynamics/Electric Boat factory in which the thoughts and words or empathy and concern flowed as this was when the Virgina Tech school shooting occurred April 2007. As these horrific events continued more frequently with little resolution to the root cause of the problem as the mass shootings bothered me deep within. I couldn’t understand how and why a teenager could think of harming classmates, let alone kill our own youth and piers. There must be some mental health reason in which our present culture has breeded these horrific thoughts and actions. So all this awakened my mind quite passionately, so I kept writing.

I suppose a quick bio is appropriate. I am the middle of 5 boys in 7 years; born in small town named Sharon, CT. My Dad was in the military with a commercial flight license and started our family immediately after his time as a Loach Helicopter in the Vietnam War. So we moved from various cities in the US throughout the years before he chose, for consistency purposes, to work at Westinghouse at the Energy Center in Pittsburgh. He then decided to go off on his own to start R.E. Dupill & Associates as a Nuclear Manufacturers Rep company. I think I had a relatively normal upbringing with a few bumps and bruises which can be expected. My youth years were spent on Sycamore Drive in Penn Hills, PA. Then our family moved to Murrysville, PA (Franklin Regional School district) into my highschool years in which I graduated from to continue on to University of Pitt @ Johnstown for my bachelors degree. I then immedialty got involved in the family business as a sales/service engineer predomintly in the Nuclear industry. I want to give most people in my life credit to form this book in my mind to share into what has become. Whether it be positive or negative, inspirational or painful. We should take it as a learning experience of where we are. I waited for much to long to finish writing this, as I felt I needed the input of so many more people whether it be from a perspective of professions, gender, race, and experiences for a complete model of the THP. But now being where I am in life with successes, trials and tribulaiotns, we are never finished with the quest of what the THP can offer. It just hit me and I realized it is a continued living document shared and contributed by everyone willing to take the Journey to believe in humanity and ourselves. So All are welcomed to add to this version or make another version in another shape or form whether by behavior, words, another blog or video? This is all of our choices not just one person. I give credit to all, especially my parents, as well my past, and present piers where we discussed and formatted a piece of the THP. Every day we are always learning. My parents Pete and Linda Dupill have given their five children the basic characteristics of Honesty, Ambition, Reseliency and Integrity to become a part of THP. And more importantly, take accountability and accept responsibility of our decisions in life. Of course, it is impossible for parents to control each and every child’s circumstance in their growing life. That is where my brothers and I consistently checked each other when one or two brothers deviated from the path we should have been on. Thank you mom and dad (Pete & Linda Dupill) and all my brothers Craig, Chad, Cliff, and Cornell. Now I cannot name all the friends or acquaintances that have contributed to this book but you all know who you are and thank you all and ask you to please comment, expand on the THP for the best outcome for which we all are capable of becoming.

So back to the sleepless nights due to my heart and mind racing with myriad thoughts of how and why we as humans can have so much intelligence and still have the problems that we do today which seem to be exponetially getting worse. I then thought that maybe we are not as smart as we think? Maybe our arrogance and pride has put such a high hurdle in front of our path that we are unable to jump, let alone see over this hurdle in order to find our right of pursuit to happiness, serenity and decency. As time moves on, I see that we find this hurdle so high and discouraging we begin to lose the intestinal fortitude nor the foresight to associate with people having the same common thought structure to find a way over or around these hurdles and societal barriers in front of us. Society is burying our human potential into a one dimmesnional black hole in our social media, apps, with addiction in elecotronics, ego, alcohol and drugs. And what is scary we are all accepting it as normal. Its even laughed and joked about. Where is the finish line to this fake consolidated quest for progressiveness these politicians and leaders promise? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what is beyond the finish line. Is it a celebration party or is this life a different race to another finish line. Is it another world inside or outside our universe where Spaceforce will take us when we pass a test of decency of the common good soul. Or is it right in front of us on Earth? Before we get into pondering the thoughts of the unknown, lets figure out what we know at this present day so we can eliminate the hurdle in front of us as a united front of the human race which the common folk all share. We aren’t the narcisitic elite movie stars, poiliticians or billionaires that hide their shallow souls with money, material things and fame. In No way are the previous mentioned groups stereotyped but we find a majority are what they are. And if one falls outside the group to think objectively they are torn apart by the mob of insecure, possibly evil souls of the elite Mob. They don’t live in the reality we all do. We the common folk are the ones that make the world go around with work, trust, honest relationhips, family and integrity.

So presented in this book is a focused collaboration of mankind’s obstacles and proposed resolutions that can be used as tools for success in ourselves, our country and our community; And at the end of this book we will be able to see who is who and what can be what, which is presented in an actual equation solution that possibly could knock down the hurdle of hate, insecurity and division which has dominated our decent souls for so long.

Keep in mind this is a collective effort of us all; we need the correct support, strength, tools and numbers to squash the toxic variables so apparently bringing us down. Without this support of common THP thoughts and beliefs, we are disadvantaged day after day with social deterants continually beating us down from when we wake up to the minute we go to bed. Yes, I believe that one individual is possibly cabapable, but the strength within must be undetermined, trained and excerised continually to beat the outside social demons and out of control deterants to be put in thier place day every day. The point is we all can be this person together. At times when we go at it alone, the judgements and followers of these toxic negative sheep thinkers publicly destroy the reputation of this ‘ONE’ person which divides the success % exponentially of THP accomplishments.

Numbers are power and David can beat Goliath. I like to refer to the inspirational movie ‘Gladiatior’ in the colosseum scene where the slave wins over the crowd (You and I) and the evil Cesar (Elite Media/politicians) cannot touch him because he has the power and support of the large majority of common people.

That is who we are, the common people, with choice of power to not be bullied. This is why we need support capabilities of ‘like’ folks with positive energy. I never wanted to publish this and always attempted to keep my voice and ambitions under the radar for the fear of becoming public in which I would change from the person I am and what I stand for. But what if we are already made out to be something we are not. We all have these moment’s and some last longer than others. So I decided, what the hell am I waiting for. To Die? Time has changed my mind in the world we live in today. We all need to think of each and everyone as a tight knitted league of teams and teammates within different cities with different mascots and colored uniforms but all having the same goal in mind; respect for each other to keep our teams integrity, honesty and respect for the entire league as a ‘United league’ to embrace fair play with objective referees. No one team agrees on every aspect or even each teammate. But that does not give us the right to take each others dignity. Our majority beleifs of our league will overcome any minimal disagreement instead of having a ‘cancerous’ cell on that team dividing, which is exactly what the media, politicians, conglomerate corporations and big tech are doing today. This is the case especially when we are debating about what Political Party, Religion, Person, family is hypothetically correct. None of us knows the answer for sure. In order to find that answer we need to respect and listen to each and every new idea in order to make progress.

Without Progess, we are stuck in the mud. Unfortunately the word has been hijacked by the Progressive movement which in my opinion does just the opposite. Stops progress. They are using us all! Look at the word Liberal. The word has been redefined to an unjust meaning of authoritarian control of a collective group. Instead of the true definition as an open minded free spirt, free thinking creative group or individual. By re-definition, the wand waiving progressive woke movement has brainwashed these creative, open minded folks to believe they are a part of this authoritarian group. I really see it as one of the biggest Fallacies and Cons of all time!

How many times have we seen a harmonious group conversation or productive business or team meeting go into a tail spin due to one or few persons with a stubborn, ‘know it all’ egotistical personality unwilling to let another finish their sentence or thought, undermined by a personal attack of that persons past or ideology while patronizing free thoughts and ideas. Moreover, So many times others will continue to let the past be the subject for the future. Or maybe it’s a finger point strategy into the blame game”. If you are this type of person please concentrate on the chapter of “Why we have two ears and one mouth”. Even negative ‘progress’ can teach us something, which is not to take that failed road to travel again. And with that knowledge we are more educated on the next step to take in what is the accomplished task.

We all have these people in our lives that make us who we are. What if each of us had the power to take all the positive influencers of our life and implement them in order to eliminate all the negative influencers? That would be the ideal situation in all of our lives. Is this realistic? So what do you have to lose? Let’s take our cards at face value, discard the bad cards, so we are able to play the best hand possible at the poker table. While we discard our cards for a fresh start, let the discarded pile re-evaluate their actual card value, waiting for the next hand to be dealt. So if you are up for this Journey and open to suggesting ideas as well as respecting others dignity and ideas, Let’s take it this trip together, Welcome to the THP!!!

Curt Ray Curt Ray

(Part) Youth of Electronic Dehumanization Management-The abyss of Relationships & Society

Let’s take a few basic questions we may be asking as parents, grandparents or even an aunt or uncle. Have you provided your child their own smart device(s), with the intention of better communication at the same time giving comfort within ourselves that they are safer; knowing where they are at all times with the capability to get in touch at a moment’s notice? Or did we provide these devices for other reasons whether it be a great gift for a holiday and/or birthdays, considering technology and ‘smart’ devices, are typically the most desired tangible by children and humans in general.  These devices do not seem harmful on the surface. But is there a wizard behind these little computers. Where do the intangible social media platforms come into play? Do you think they are going away anytime soon? Not a chance! Artificial intelligence (AI) is next in line for the big enigma and how it will affect humanity. We get more into AI in the Star Wars Part.

So, are we doing right by making our piers, family, and children happy while keeping up with technology and current times? Yes??? We are doing right by having everyone on the same page and data plan, correct??? 🤔  Do you ever get the feeling that our intent is backfiring and the Cons seemingly outweigh the Pros? Could the opposite affect have taken place?? Are our children actually safer being we know their location and can speak or text them anytime or hour of the day? Do we really know what is going on in this fictious little digital world around them, whether it be a Tok-tok, Instagram or Snap Chat social communication platform? Yes, we definitely attained the comfort goal of knowing where our child’s physical position is… 🚩 BUT; Do we really know where their precious, innocent thoughts and minds are mentally in this confusing digital space? Did these devices open another can of worms and problems as if parenting wasn’t hard enough? During dinner time or at social family gatherings do you sometimes feel separated from each other and that a GPS or Flip phone could have accomplished the goal of what we were after in the first place? Instead we bought in to this constant distraction of unintended disrespect 🤦🏼‍♂️ So now looking deeper into the eye of the tiger are we confident our children are safe.?

Whether you are a parent, a child, have children or don’t; or are categorized as a baby boomer, generation X, Y, Z, millennial… please do not get discouraged or take this part or chapter as a dig on the youth. This is the digital poker hand we were dealt. Our objective is to give an honest perspective on electronics and social media, of all ages, to understand one anothers position in time and how its effecting us all. Read on please as this part may stir up some creative ideas and possibilitis for the future? Who knows maybe another Silicon Valley boom could be nearing? So let’s inspire one another into the creative entrepreneurial mindset with a collaboration of ideas to discussion amongst our, family and piers. We are in a very strange and volatile time with older age groups understanding tangibles and younger groups diving blindly into intangibles of technology. Think about the touch and feel aspect of a tangible piece of hardware and then get out of your mind and go into a virtual room where you can touch what seems to be the same thing in the physical world. At the same time accepting it is not a tangible but a digital intangible reality. Two completely different spectrums to consider. We are living in a monster of an unknown world out there, as we are living within our minds in this social media/virtual world continuously influenced by media (Snap Chat) and trade platforms (Prime) which seems to be completely erasing the physical universe around us. Look around. Whether it be a grocery store, mall or outlet. We are all engaged digitally one way or another. The worst part of it is that we have little control within the digital world, which could be exploited as an addiction infliction by design from big tech to censor, in order to control and manipulate humanity. So, let’s take advantage of this perspective amongst all of our ages and work backwards from the beginning of this part to an end state as a potential digital pioneer predicting what we can control and predict for a healthy digital future.

Back to the parent perspective now… Does your child meet in social environments other than your household and family events? Do you see them influenced by other kids at school or on the school bus? Do you have them in activities and sports and surprised what they are learning from there environment around them? Not only do their activities (FB, BB, VB, Soccer, Tennis, Cheer, Gym) take a chunck out the bank, we may just have invested even more money in losing a piece of your parent/child relationship with the purchase of their first I-phone or Android. Do devices, Apps, video games, social media (Tik Tok, Snap chat, You tube, etc.) and apps seem to be infiltrating their minds; while we sit on the sideline in confusion, so quickly right in front of us at the young developing years of our childs lives? On the contrary, by understanding technology more, would it strengthen the parental-child relationship? Could it possibly salvage the realtionhsip with what time is left? We need to work together in order to find commonalities to relate to our children and our children to relate to us into the next generation? We are always trying to negotiate technology as leverage with our children. It’s almost like they have a bargaining chip before the bargaining even begins. So why are we bargaining. Flip phones work and accomplish what your purpose for getting them a device to begin with. Although it’s probably much too late for this unless you have infants or toddlers. Therefore, as a quick fix suggestion, other than utilizing the data features, maybe we can start making them earn the technology with whatever means necessary, whether it be chores, monetary or family time invested.

Looking beyond the obvious. Are we considering the long-term effects of this social technology in the hands of minors? What do we consider a minor from a digital perspective? Does technology at that age make it a moving target?  Is there a methodology in leveraging electronics for the purpose of a child’s healthy developmental evolution? If you start at the electronic inception, is this where the best outcome can occur? Have you heard enough questions to pull your ears from our heads? Although, this is the point; we all need to think about the amount of data and questions we are pondering which we may not able to answer a large percentage of the time.  Are we behind the curve ball, so to speak? Did the electronic monopoly already steal our children before our eyes at age 8, 6 years old, younger?? Or is there a strategic edification methodology for our youth of tomorrow in order to become productive parts of society utilizing this amazing technology at the tip of our fingers? Or possibly deterring our ability to learn? Are schools, governments, and society going in the right direction utilizing electronics in this technological era? Not that I agree with Communist China, but they may be onto something, as on September 1st, 2021; video games, including smart devices and social platforms, were banned under the age of 18 on weekdays and limited to one hour a day, on weekends and holidays. Funny, that the developers of Tik Tok limit their own people to use and the communist state bans them to children.

So what is our American system actually proposing, discussing, and debating from a populist’s objective point of view? I have seen very little. Actually, it seems more apparent that big tech is the vanguard on all social technology and electronic platforms manipulating government(s) due to the fact that a lot of the politicians are from an older generation not understanding the algorithms, only seeing the greed and power obtained from the technology at the same time controlling the human mind. Take a look at this quick video about mass formation psychosis explained by Dr Robert Malone in what could be occurring currently in society. It’s a little lengthy but after 30 seconds gets quite interesting. If not. Skip it for another time.

What is occurring is an enigma directing the future of our youth into society as sheeple while the few big tech leaders are the Shepherds. “Enigma is a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand.  At times it’s important to clarify a definition today, as politicians and the media can redefine vocabulary with consistency and persistence redefining terms in order to manipulate larger formations of people. Social media platforms can and are assisting this unethical behavior. See…. people….politicians, corporations, and political/activist groups, including the education system of our youth, can have a propensity to lack integrity, honesty and morals; utilizing a psychological methodology which projects a false ideology or agenda, with an ultimate goal, to manipulate the public into following a movement which in actuality is a complete false reality! This methodology gains a political, personal, financial and/or egotistical advantage or goal for the group guilty of behaving in this manner. 🤯 I feel a good example is the new ‘woke’ way of society. They hijack an individual or class of individuals ignorance and/or insecurities into a mass rhetoric campaign of a very questionable false agenda. It may seem like we are digressing from topic on ‘youth electronics and dehumanization effect but we are seeing this exact methodology being utilized on our children by censoring and manipulating information on these social platforms. Not only are our relationships being hijacked but quite bluntly facts and the truth are being hijacked. Here me now, on a micro personal level. Let’s say you are assaulted verbally or even physically; and choose to take the high road; you take your lumps while letting this person get away with bad behavior or lies; So just let the scenario roll off your shoulders. BUT be careful of the new age ’woke’ tactic in which we are immediately accused of exactly of the bad behavior which in reality happened to you. Is it a method of Psychological Projection which is definded as… “A defense mechanism in which ego defends itself against unconscious impulses by denying their existence in themselves to attribute them to others”

NOW, we can understand some of the realities and tactics taking place in our society and communities around us and our children; we can and should be aware of some tactics to assist in defending facts, integrity, character and truth.

Moving on from this depressing reality around us, we will now take a positive proactive approach to the electronics dehumanization quandary at hand.

As parents and empathetic humans, we collectively want our children to have the best shot utilizing their strengths and talents for the best life result. With electronics being such a huge part of everyday life, we can’t just burn all electronics around us. BUT we can collectively work together by developing an acceptable time management etiquette monitoring platform while educating the cause and effects of how detrimental electronics and social media can be to ourselves, children and piers. With this potential movement, which partially has already began with parents fighting school boards, we are able to accept, repudiate (refuse to accept), or limit media/social media in which we as parents choose to dictate the future mental health highway of our youth and humanity.

Electronics and social networking could just be the root cause of acts of violence that take place in our school settings? Or do we still want to blame the symptom not the root cause and continue to put metal detectors, gun control, armed school staff which is the reactive approach? Let’s all put our thinking caps on and take a big picture proactive approach which could be an interactive life simulation learning lesson strategy and dive into what we do not understand and do understand in this unavoidable digital world. I jotted down a very general outline with possible subjects and topics of discussion and interaction.

Keep in mind the intent of this outline is not to get into political debate but rather get to into the root cause of societal problems and what our youth has to contend with or without!

It’s a fact, before technology and social media era that kids could go home from school after a bad day (bullying) and be with the family and feel a sense of security. But now the digital world is 24 hours a day with social media and technology glaring into the eyes of our children.

The purpose for some type of  ‘Youth of Electronic management’ would be an on-going training class to educate the children (First and foremost), and the parent/teacher on social interactions, social etiquette and the cause and effect to include the abuse of electronics in child development which seems to be dehumanizing all of us, not only just our youth. Typically, a family or parent can execute these values and lessons although it becomes more and more difficult with split households, two working parents where daily structure seems to be a moving target, while constant evolution of new platforms and apps makes it even more difficult to even see the dart board let alone the bulls-eye. These classes or sessions could be executed by parents in a school or extra circular hall after school or even develop into our school curriculum. We want to take a look at this course having real life interactions and practicing real life etiquette utilizing round table activities, discussions and role-playing lessons.  There could be age groups for different categories of subjects. 4-7, 8-11, 12-13, 14-15, 16-18 for example. We could lean on someone more qualified in ages and development levels. But start at the forming years crucial to a child and adolescents’ development.

Now that the kids are occupied with an overwhelming number of sports and activities this could actually be fun for them utilizing snap chat or tik Tok social platforms and real-life simulations. If you want change from the control of big tech;  hell, make a call to a few parental peers and jam out a quick curriculum, some life scenarios (bullying, snapping in appropriate pictures) and give it a shot.

So, onto the parents, let’s have a course for education and helpful practices at home and engage mom and dad and possibly save some marriages while we are at it as well, Kinda kidding, BUT feel this could be a topic on its own?!?!? Think about it? Does candy crush, IG, or FB take away from some relationship QT, if ya know what I mean. 🫠 Parents will get more engaged into what is happening in the schools, on TV, social media, apps, Internet, technological generation, then comment and suggest solutions. Cover the downfall of helicopter parenting practices. Frequently By saying ‘NO’ to your child is helping them develop, not hurting them? A balance of structural criticism is vital for development instead of telling them they are the best at everything and do nothing wrong. Otherwise, how would they deal with the real-life experiences when the young adults are thrown from the nest? Children need to help themselves in preparation for the real world. Not the opposite.

On related topic of society behavior disorders, I can possibly make the assumption the causes and effects of developed behavior patterns to included: Narcissism, Entitlement, (Border Line Personality) BDP epidemics are ABSOLUTLEY associated in parenting with electronics in this age we live in.  How is everyday life effecting our children in modern society? We have our children building their instantly gratifying relationship within their electronic devices and apps opposed to true love and real relationships with mom, dad, siblings and friends…All while being Hijacked into a dehumanized robot it seems? These platforms and devices cause major resentment and animosity from a parent’s perspective and quite honestly can dictate our mood on a regular basis while fighting for quality time in our relationships. On the other hand we can probably all accept some responsibility for over compensating our emotional position asking children to put their devices down. I know I have countless times. What battles do we pick for the right balance?

Being a single parent can double this effect as time is shared. So from this perspective we could use a lighthouse to learn effective tactics from others and to pick battles effectively when fighting for our children’s time. As Time passes I personally see children seem to distance themselves into the teenage years. Partly natural although it seems electronics has taken a piece away. I understand this is a part of adolescent development, but the relationship seems exponentially disconnected as they have their faces in their devices constantly. Have you been on a 30-minute car ride after an activity with complete silence like we are at a funeral? It drives us nuts attempting to understand why we are letting this happen right in front of our eyes. It breaks my heart to watch our child from the toddler age which is absolutely interested in the physical world around them loving life and human interaction and attention playing sports, hobbies, developing relationships around them. And then WHAM! the digital world is introduced, with the parents blessing, evolving our heart filled beautiful creative child into an introverted, closed, obsessive, instantly gratified electronic addict that needs to be called to dinner a dozen times before they answer us. Again, this is not a dig on our children it’s just everyone’s battle with the reality of digitals.

Below is a quick draft outline for Topics of discussion for anyone to expand on or eliminate in case anyone wanted to utilize the ideology: So, when you meet with parental piers in development of a curriculum it probably behooves us to include different career and personality types to have a thorough plan before starting the sessions. So, we can work backwards from here and have some fun all while diving deeper in understanding our children and the electronic tools around us. I know it seems crazy some of the below common sense needs re-established but have you ever thought you would need to worry about the safety of your daughter with who could be in girls school bathroom.

Social Etiquette

1. Human Interaction

            i.     Introduction

           ii.     Eye contact-Shaking Hands

           iii.   Restaurant Etiquette

           iv.     Respect-Gentleman and Young Lady

            v.     ADD IN SUGGESTIONS?

2. Device Etiquette

             i.     Self-discipline

             ii.     Self-awareness

             iii.     Video Games

             iv.     TV

              v.     MORE?

3. Contribution

               i.     Manners- How to ask someone if they need help

               ii.     Assisting the elderly and helpless

               iii.     IDEAS?

4. Social media

               i.     Platforms & Avenues

5. Video games

6. Video Apps

7. Social apps

8. TV- Jesse

9. Bullying

10. What can happen-Repercussions


12. Political Correctness-For the parents-Systematic bullying

              i.     Elementary children influenced by political agendas

              ii.     IDEAS

13. Identify behavior patterns and problems resulting in Bullying, Violence, Drugs. Parental Style/working parents, Kids in environment

14. Reality of their future

               i.     Cleaning and good hygiene-What happens when you don’t

               ii.     Why do we earn money?

              iii.     ‘Why’ failing a lesson, Hearing NO is helpful not hurtful

               iv.     Working towards a goal

                v.     Bills and where they come from

                vi.     Jobs and how education and hard work are inter-related.

                vii.     Job Interviews-References

15. Parental and Marital Stress

16. Technology with kids and the relationship struggles it brings

17. Mom and dads-Respecting each other- Picking a role.

                  i. Mom can be the Nurturer

                  ii.     Dad could be the disciplinary or vice versa

18. The detriment effect of undermining the other parent-discuss and set clear boundaries on a live document for clarity and accountability.

Now let’s get Geeky, below is a technology line curve (red) depicting time reference point where technology has occurred and what may be occurring at any time anyone has a monitor in front of them. The X axis being ‘human comprehension’, Y axis being ‘Time’. The left side of the curve is the ‘Known’ what we actually DO know and can consider the Safety Zone. And the right side of the curve is the ‘Danger Zone’ where evil and issues lurk which can be exploited without any warning or comprehension what could be occurring. This can help simplify the quandary we are in day after day.  


So now we have an understanding of the universal digital quandary with youth and electronics and human relationships being hijacked by their ‘Smart’ devices which in fact, seem to be making us ‘Dodo Birds’; completely unaware of our surroundings.  What can we do about it? As parents we have the power to educate, discipline, and facilitate device usage. Or set up the above curriculum private or public to educate the youth, parenting awareness and even marriage classes to assist with building relationships, uniting mom and dad in their parenting and co-parenting quest for raising successful productive children into our society. But with societies big tech and media wokeness gravitational strength; is this enough to make a difference in a positive direction? I would sure hope and think so, as this is our choice, our family, our group working together with the same objective outlook in mind.

It’s unfortunate that we can’t get into many topics without getting into the pandemic aspect of life after 2020. I wish we could, and someday hope we all look back and see how foolish we all were in handling this awful virus. Not that I am arguing the deaths and severity of older ages of the problems it caused. Truly sorry of all lost loved ones lives. But feel Covid pandemic became the biggest politicized virus of all time that exposed our education system causing major damage to our way of life and more sadly our children. Although looking at the positive, this pandemic exposed education systems to the parents and children while the were being remotely educated. Exploiting education platforms with political indoctrination utilizing ‘Critical Race Theory’ (CRT) which is a method of systematic bullying instead of objective education for arithmetic, history, Science, and English. To top it off, children are abused and bullied, in my opinion, when mandated to wear masks when there is more of a chance, they will die being struck by lightning than die of Covid. What’s next; will politicians’ figure this out and mandate children to wear a grounding device before they leave home.

All of which these methods of political indoctrination are electronically driven or somehow related to electronic means for society to follow this awful tactic dividing humanity. As an example, and quick digression, I used to love watching sports as a peaceful, enjoyable mental getaway from the divisive political toxins spewed throughout our daily lives. Now electronics and electronic media platforms have given sports figures a tool to give political views, utilizing twitter for example, which brings all the political toxins to the world of sports. And the media falls right into the drama.

Here is spitball IDEA? What if the parents excersiced thier freedom to have a mass exodus from public schools and home school their children with a collective group of like-minded parents/teachers utilizing an application tool for education? BY NO MEANS is this a negative denotation of school teachers. As a matter of fact, it could be a refreshing reset, considering how stressful the teachers daily work lives are with all the cirriculum and agenda contention their leaders have caused them. It would be a social classroom application selecting your number of students in a real-life classroom, whether it be at a home or various homes during certain weekdays or even rent out an American Legion for our children to get a real school effect for history, English and math which they deserve without being constantly confronted with LGBTQ and the progressive way of socializing and indoctrination. For example as a website which does not exist as of yet:; where the parents communicate with other parents on different class subjects (History, Math, English, etc.) in which they elect and customize the most suited home or ‘group’ school teacher(s) per subject, class size, class location, and shared curriculum. This could possibly work as a calibration tool for less conflict in public school systems considering the parents are being labeled as domestic terrorists because they voice their opinion on their child’s education and school days with masks and CRT indoctrination in the public education system for political agendas. Again, these are just a few ideas for the anyone looking at possible answers to the outrageous issues our politicians and governments have brought our families at this present day.

Another IDEA??, which can be a fun part or creative project for our children. Where a 15-year-old or even a 13-year-old, for example, can think independently and creatively as an entrepreneur becoming the big new tech pioneers like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. How can a teenager or 20-year-old possibly do this? Is it possible for David to beat Goliath? Absolutely!! Current social media and search applications, like Google, yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, are being censored to only allow certain information to be released to control the minds and factual information getting out in order to put ‘Fact’ blinders over the public. It is currently occurring and will become much more subjective as time goes on while these control monsters are in power.  These elite politicians and big tech corps think kids are stupid which is a perfect storm for the youth to exploit this reality. Therefore, by working backwards on the opposite end of the spectrum, exploiting the complacent and arrogant adults/politicians and power-hungry corporations/lobbyists which are controlling the big tech communication airways; the clever and ambitious youth through creativity and numbers start their own platforms beyond what big tech currently utilizes. The youth at early ages of even 10 years old or maybe less, see the reality of how arrogant and out of control these morons are which control the system. Now for the real challenge to tackle… Get their eyeballs out of current technology hijacking their minds and creativity to start a movement. This is where the above parental corroboration (Support) for ‘Youth of electronic management’ can drive this movement. Let’s dumb down a quick strategy. Utilize already built and easily accessible platform templates. A lot of the algorithms and platforms are for sale for quite cheap actually. So, build it. Call your new social media FB Platform JerkFace (JF) and Twitter (Fingers) and IG (Swift Shit) all we care. It seems that children and youth only utilize Tik Tok (TT) and Snap Chat (SC) as the current communication avenues for freedom of information sharing. Keep in mind this will not be the case for very long, especially if this living document becomes popular and more people collaborate their creative thoughts of what is reality. EXECUTION and TIMING is critical. After a pilot platform is built, they could essentially start using the current TT and SC platforms as communication sharing and litmus tests in order to test and develop the new platforms which essentially could replace Facebook, IG, Google, twitter, etc. Stay with me now young entrepreneurs… You may not realize the huge majority of the world will back you all and adult >40 age population. Do not invite the elites, follower sheeps, which are the opposition and will try to kill the initiative first chance to stay in control. Utilizing your numbers and ‘nothing to lose’ leverage attitude and moreover control the huge population of the silenced majority which is the “Youth”; new platforms could essentially be switched from the ‘Elite Dark Side’ to the ‘Freedom Youth Platform’ overnight. A worldwide competition could be possible. Or at least within a country or community. Or you could just buy one of them like Elon Musk and reset the platform, but most of us do not have the means to do this. But Collectively could we find a way? Hopefully you all followed that? It would be wonderful to discuss this further and hopeful someone would even touch base to discuss or get clarification. If I am wrong, I will take it, so be it. ‘Fail Forward’ as one of the parts explains, failing being a learning lesson not a negative lesson.  IF the youth were committed, strategic, and used the populous with timing the platform releases to vote on, so to speak; This THP Freedom of electronic platform ideology outcome could be made available within a reasonable time period. Look at it the youth of America… You have the majority of a nation, actually a world of humans on your side, waiting for some relief on what has been done to society in such a short amount of time; For example, look around and see people wearing masks, they don’t want to wear them, and can’t understand each other’s speech when wearing them. Workers, Customers, students. this is just the optics and physical aspect. Be a hero and free society of masks and availability to factual information. As a metaphor, We/you have the power to remove those masks or whatever bullshit the minority politicians are trying to control. Let’s allow the huge populous to breathe, talk freely, and play a normal kickball, volleyball game again.


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