Have you ever wondered about time travel and if its possible? Maybe we can get a glimpse by envisioning the future, Near or Far. Do you know that your thoughts are your future time destinations. Whether Positive or Negative or a mixure of both. We are destined to follow our thought curves into Happiness or Sadness, Success or Hardships.

Graph Of Life

Mood Average Level

I want to share a graph that can explain the process of time associated with our moods or feelings from a positive negative level. This Graph can be utilized in many aspects of life whether from a perspective of success, sports, health, fitness, love, life, and even prefered airport parking spots🤣not kidding, It can work. Understanding the mood level destinaton curve is a good way to find happiness or even a tactic to reverse a negative slump in any type of life scenario. Batting in Baseball is a great example to assist shorter bat slump lengths. This is a proactive approach and takes an immediate conscious awareness level and discipline for access to most effective tool to maximize its power. So keep in mind this is a constant moving or dynamic mental process and skill that is life changing when utilized to its maximum effect. I want to say the skill can be mastered, although that would be an over ambitous statement considering we are human and all know of highs/lows, bad stages, high points in life and vice versa. Otherwise we would not have a good or bad or a winner or loser in life. So to re-iterate; this exercise is not static in the sense of time frequency whether minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Our feelings are an after effect of our past thoughts in time. So the method is to conciously dicate thoughts as to control emotions for future occurences in our lives. In esssence we can predict or dictate our mindspace into a higher end of the happiness curve, so to speak.

The X-axis = ‘Time’ and the Y-axis is our ‘Mood’ level upon any certian life sitaution or relationship. The graph utilizes a physics aspect replacing the termoology names on a frequency graph as follows. There are two Frequency Lines; one is Red 🟥(future) which depicts your thought and Green🟢(present) actual life occurrences. The Magnitude Blue🟦an Average mental feeling or mood place of life harmony or lack there of. Our thought frequency whether be it be positive or negative will be followed by your lifes ACTUAL occurrence frequency. Of course we need to be somewhat reasonable when gauging our expectations. For example, take an hour or all day thinking of a lotto numbers for the winning ticket. Yes, thinking positively is great and i bet you actually will get a few of the numbers. BUT let’s not get into low moods when your ticket doesn’t hit. But utilize this tool as if you were late for a flight and your thoughts are all positive that you will find a close parking spot and a short security line. In these more daily occurences the thought line will have more peaks of course although the chance of you making the flight are better than not. Or you have a neagitve thought or feeling about your spouse, you conciously catch it and turn the thought in to positive aspects in correlation of your spouse or children; this in turn creates the present and future moments in a positive light with harmony in time. Otherwise your mood or feeling could have driven your present moment or future into humilaiton or negative point in time.  So your one Thought frequency line is ahead of your actual and your thought dictates your high or low basically predicting the future of your moment. So in essence you are controlling or looking ahead in time. If we want to be a bit creative we could consider ourselves time machines in one way or another.